PMT Tool Applications
Today, Performance Micro Tool end mills are approaching diameters and tolerances thought impossible just a few years ago. Our unique manufacturing ability has led to many firsts including the world's first 5 micron end mill.Our in-stock and custom end mills are used in some amazing applications - from designing medical diagnostic tools for use inside the body to developing micro components for U.S. fighter jets.
The PMT product line and unique quality controls assure customers of superior end mill performance and longevity. We also offer the shortest lead times in the industry.
PMT Features
- End Mills from 5µm diameter to 1/8"
- Drills from 0.002" diameter to 1/8"
- Extremely fast turnaround on special tools
- Proprietary SPC analysis tools
- Shortest lead times in the industry
- Competitive pricing
- Made in the USA
- Electronics, Medical. Aerospace and Micro-Robotics
- Prototyping
- Die Molds
- Steel Rule Die
- Engraving
- Hobby and Specialty